Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Favorite Writing

The Road not Taken.
"...Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. "

-Robert Frost. Mountain Interval. 1920.

I really enjoy reading and writing poetry, even though it is sometimes hard to identify what the poet is trying to convey, but I love the creation of sensory images, and how it really plays on your emotions.

One of my favorite poets is Robert Frost, an American poet who often wrote about the rural life in the early 20th Century.

In this poem, there are actually two interpretations.

The literal interpretation inspires someone to do something different, to not go with the norm, whereas the more ironic interpretation is talking about decision making and regretting the decisions you have made.

The reason why I like this particular poem is because I can relate to both interpretations.

In my life I have made decisions that have changed my life for the better, and there are certain decisions that I wish I didn't make.

For example, I was driving on 280, and I had to exit 87, but I wasn't sure whether to take south or north.

I made the quick decision to go south, and I soon regretted this decision, because I had to go north.

This is an example of good writing, because critics can take the work either way, but only the author really knows the real meaning behind it.

Word of the Week 1

1. Repertoire
2. Visual communication textbook
3. These pictures are all part of your repertoire of memories.
4. A stock of musical or dramatic material that is known and can be performed. (noun)
5. He has many special talents in his repertoire of cooking.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

All About Me

My name is Katharina, but everyone calls me Kat.

I was born and raised in Germany, and I was 10 years old when I made the move to the United States with my dad, but sadly the rest of my family stayed in Germany, and I only get to see them once every other year.

I came over here not speaking one word of English, except for being able to count to ten.

I went to a German private school, and was able to pick up the language in as little as a year.

Since English is my second language, I always seem to struggle a little bit with grammar and the correct use of certain words, but I do my best and always proofread my papers and writings.

I transferred to San Jose State in fall, and this is my first semester here.

I'm planning on majoring in advertising in hopes of being able to work with magazines, and do beauty advertisements for them, and I also hope to graduate in two years, and be able to start my career right away.

In my free time, I enjoy going on hikes or to the park with my roommate and our three dogs.

I love animals, and we are always trying to save the world by helping one animal at a time.

I rescued my dog Cola, who was locked in a cage in someone's backyard for four years, where he was beaten and abused, but with a little love and care, he's now the best dog ever.